Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cast-offs Your Cast-offs "Junk Drop-off" UPDATE

The official launching of Cast-off Your Cast-offs "Saturday Junk Drop-offs" received exactly the kind of response we were expecting yesterday -- that is, that of pure, total & utter awesomeness.

We have proudly inherited from a group of kind-hearted souls a range of men's shoes from Aldo, Ferragamo, Mark & Spencer, a few Fisher-Price children's toys, a variation of educational books & magazines, branded men's & women's apparels, a somewhat vintage Canon E05 Analog camera, a few very much usable furnitures... along with a host of other items of value.

The back2back team would like to take this opportunity to thank all of its contributors for the support and donation they have offered -- you know who you are. We are forever indebted to you for your humility & willingness to make a difference... which will undoubtedly make the world a better place to live in.

As per planned, the 2nd drop-off session will be NEXT SATURDAY on the 20th of November 2010. We patiently await your kind generosity.

Stay tuned here or visit to get more information or updates.


 Designer shoes anyone?
Top: Marks & Spencer, Salvatore Ferragamo, Aldo, Aldo, Vago, Diesel
Bottom: Nike, Crocs


 Cups, Bowls, Plates..

 Baby stuff
Pictures are up!!
Check out our offerings at!/album.php?aid=20011&id=127473967309934


-----the b2b team-----

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